報名註冊 Registration and Enrollment
課程 Course
課程影片 Video
作業測驗 Assignment and Quiz
證書及紅利點數 Certification and Reward Points
高中人才培育 Talent Cultivation
高中自主學習 Self-Directed Learning
SOS計畫 Summer Online School
跨校通識 General Education Online
終身學習時數 Civil Servants Lifelong Learning
教師研習時數 Teachers' In-service Continuing Education
<aside> <img src="/icons/brightness-high_red.svg" alt="/icons/brightness-high_red.svg" width="40px" /> 歡迎透過【 聯絡客服 】與我們聯繫,我們將有專人為您服務。
請提供 帳號 / 姓名 / 選修課程 / 問題內容,可以讓我們更好的解決問題!
客服回覆時間:周一至周五 09:00~18:00(六日及國定假日休息)
You are welcome to contact us via【Contact Customer Service】and we will have dedicated staff to serve you.
Please provide Account / Name / Courses Taken / Description of Issue so we can better solve your problem!
For student credits, please directly contact the following customer service mailboxes for prompt processing
Customer Service Response Time: Monday to Friday 09:00~18:00 (Closed on Saturdays and National Holidays)
※本專區由 ewant育網開放教育平台 管理與維護。※